Hats are not just for “bad hair days”!
You might have seen my latest Instagram post where I mentioned that I am just now getting used to wearing hats. I know, I know I’m late to the hat game! But some of you may be on my speed and just never were brave enough to rock a hat. Of course I’ve worn ball caps. Those are always a go-to when the hair just isn’t on point, or you’re trying to delay that wash just one more day. I get it. I’ve done that too. A great ball cap is always a must, I agree! My most recent ball cap purchase was an all white LA Dodgers cap from Urban Outfitters. Honestly, it could have been any team. I don’t even watch baseball! But I liked the all white because it was cute and can go with literally anything! (Fashion over team choice for me!) Anyways…I’m really referring to hats that are more of a statement; a purposeful accessory.
I purchased my first hat and it sat untouched in the top of the closet for several months! I have always been envious of girls who could throw on a big floppy hat and walk confidently into any situation. I always thought if you wore a hat, it kind of shielded you and you could hide inside kind of like hiding that bad hair under the ball cap. But no no no….when I put on a hat (besides the ball cap) I feel like everyone in the room is looking at me! Yikes! So I’d take it off quickly so no one saw me and make sure that it didn’t mess up my hair! So my gorgeous black felt hat sat alone waiting to be worn.
Finally one day I wore this super cute outfit and the perfect accessory needed was the black felt hat. So I prayed Satan away that was whispering in my ear that I wasn’t confident enough to sport that hat in public. Not today Satan! Lo and behold, I ended up loving the outfit altogether. So yes, now I’m on a mission to wear more hats this summer. They’re everywhere and this summer’s IT accessory. Now that the straw bags are back in-style, the straw floppy sun or Panama hat is perfect to complete any outfit and not just at the beach. So go now and either dust that hat off that’s been sitting untouched in your closet, or purchase one here! I promise you won’t regret it, they’re the “it” accessory this summer! And come back here and tell me how your day went! I want to hear about the people giving you compliments and better still… DM me on Instagram a pic of you in your hat! I’d love to post a collage of my beautiful & confident hat wearing friends on the blog!!
June 8, 2018I’ve got a cute floppy white sun hat! I’ll get a pic!
Aubrey Chick
June 8, 2018That’s great! I can’t wait to see it. Send me a pic!