It’s graduation season, and so my Time-hop and FB memories are filled with pics of where I was three years ago. If you are a high school senior and graduation is knocking on your door in the next week or two, you may want to settle in and read this post! My journey from high school senior to college senior was not quite how I had it all planned out, and if you know me I pretty much always stick to a plan. First truth: God Always Has A Plan. Now I know you’ve heard this before, but I think we tend to forget that God is always in control. Not us. We plan everything out senior year. We research the perfect college, we find a roomie, and plan our cute dorm room right down to the matching bedding. For my roommate and I, we attended Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas. We had a plan for years and years: Dance! Yep, we were the kind who lived the saying “Sorry I can’t go- I have Dance!” So our senior year was all about the college search and auditions. A few of us BFFs received amazing offers to dance at a top university for dance in the north east. Best friends, roomies, and headed to our dream school to fulfill our dance dreams!
(Insert the screaching record player/car brakes, etc.) Well, I quickly figured out something wasn’t right. I fully believe that God knew this wasn’t my plan, but he followed along to keep me safe. He knew he’d get me back on track. He allowed me free will. He created us that way. But he knew I’d listen and fall back on track eventually. So without too much detail (this could be another post all in itself) my anxiety kicked in. My first semester was perfect from the outside looking in, but I was falling apart. So I quit. Yep…you heard me. I quit dance after 16 years and achieving that lifelong goal of dancing in college at my dream school. All that planning, all those auditions, all those years of costumes, private lessons, training, recitals, competitions, broken bones, sore feet and muscles. I let it all go. Somehow I knew that God was telling me that this was not my plan. This definitely was not how I expected my first year of college to go!
Second truth: God Will Make Your Path Straight. After we returned home, I was making room for all my dorm room stuff and pulled out a box from under my bed. Inside was a scrapbook/sketchbook I had made when I was a little girl. My mom and I sat down and poured over the contents and also poured out the tears! Tucked inside that book was magazine collages, clothing designs, and sketches I had made growing up. I had outfits designed and fashion critiques of popular teen stars! I had already decided that my heart was with fashion, and that I was going to switch my major to Fashion Merchandising. This was a huge confirmation, and not a coincidence. This was a God moment! This huge sense of relief filled my soul and I knew that I was back on the right track. I’ll be honest and say that it wasn’t easy having to explain to everyone who had supported my dreams, that I had quit and changed plans. I’m sure there were lots of rumors, gossip, and people doubting my decision. It was hectic switching universities, moving to another city, and starting over…again. But all the while, I knew that this was right. God had put a desire in my heart as a young girl, and he was guiding my path towards a new future. Here I sit writing to you all with my first day of my fashion merchandising internship ahead. My hard work these past couple of years is paying off! My blog is up and running, I graduate with honors in one year, and I get to work under the BEST personal stylist in Dallas! Another truth: When you are allowing God to direct your path He Will Bless You Immeasurably!!
So here’s my advice to high school seniors. You may think you know what you want at eighteen. You may think your plan is solid and will all work out perfectly. I pray that you are right and that it does! And… it’s totally ok to change your mind! You may not have any idea what you’re doing at eighteen and that’s totally ok too. Be honest with your family, friends, and yourself about where your heart is. This is the time to learn new things, meet new people, and explore opportunities that could lead to your future career. We don’t have to have it all figured out the minute we leave home. I’m thankful for supportive friends, family, and parents who picked me up and dusted me off. And I’m thankful and grateful for a loving God who told me he’d never leave me!
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight”. -Proverbs 3:5-6
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him”. -Jeremiah 17:7
Lots of Love,
May 20, 2018You’re story still makes me cry! I’m so proud of you!!
Aubrey Chick
May 24, 2018I couldn’t have done any of it without my family support! I just pray that others in my shoes have the loving support of their families!
May 20, 2018I’ve watched you every step of the way. I’m thankful you found your new path. You were geared for this early on. To see you happy is wonderful. I love your writings. 💜 Nana
Aubrey Chick
May 24, 2018Of course you’re one of my biggest fans! Thank you for always supporting me!
May 20, 2018Aubs ~ i too am proud that you had ears to hear what the Lord was telling you and that you were mature and listened. Peer pressure didn’t get in your way. Keep your eye on the prize. My prayer is that the right person reads your college story and gleans life changing truths for their college road here at the right time and the right place. ~ 💜 Kayke
Aubrey Chick
May 24, 2018Thank you Kayke! I truly felt like God was leading me the whole way. Love ya!!